Travel CNA Salary in the USA: How Much Do Traveling Nursing Assistants Earn?

Have you ever wondered why travel nursing assistants make more money than those working full-time? As healthcare needs increase, many Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) are choosing to travel. This choice helps them boost their careers and earn more. By February 2023, travel CNAs were making about $37.43 per hour on average. This is much higher than the $14.56 per hour for CNAs working full-time.

This section will look into how travel nursing assistants get paid. We’ll see what affects their earnings and why they get paid more when they travel. We’ll also talk about the different places in the United States where travel CNAs can earn more.

Key Takeaways

  • The average salary for travel CNAs significantly outpaces that of permanent CNAs.
  • Travel CNAs can earn around 1.6 times more than their full-time counterparts.
  • Compensation for travel CNAs varies based on location and demand.
  • Experience and qualifications play a crucial role in determining salary levels.
  • The type of employment and facility also influence travel CNA earnings.

The Role of Travel CNAs in the Healthcare Industry

travel cna salary

Travel CNAs are crucial in the healthcare field, helping to solve staffing shortages. They take on travel nursing assistant jobs to add flexibility. This lets healthcare providers adjust to changing patient needs. Travel CNAs work in various places, giving them a chance to see different healthcare settings.

Travel CNAs don’t stay in one place like regular nursing assistants. They move from one job to another, lasting from weeks to months. This helps them grow personally and professionally. It also improves patient care by bringing new ideas and methods from different places.

Healthcare facilities save money with travel cna jobs. They can fill staffing gaps without the long-term costs of hiring full-time workers. This setup helps hospitals and clinics stay fully staffed. At the same time, it lets travel CNAs grow their skills and move forward in their careers.

Factors That Impact the Salary of Travel CNAs

Many things affect how much travel CNAs earn. Knowing these can help nurses aim for better pay in the field. Here are the main factors that influence travel CNA salary.

Location and Demand for CNAs

Where you work greatly affects your salary. Places needing more healthcare workers usually pay more. For example, California, Colorado, and Washington offer top pay because they always need more nurses.

Experience Level and Qualifications

How much you earn as a travel CNA depends on your experience. Having more certifications or degrees can raise your pay. Passing certain exams also makes you more desirable, helping you earn more.

Type of Employment and Facility

Working in different places can change how much you make. Usually, working in hospitals pays more than in homes or nursing facilities. Knowing this can help you find the best-paying jobs.

What State Pays the Most for Travel CNAs?

Finding out which states pay the most for travel Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) is key for those thinking about this career. Some states offer great pay for skilled professionals in this field.

Top Earning States Overview

By February 2023, three states were leading in pay for travel CNAs. California was at the top, with travel CNAs making about $1,792 a week. This works out to an hourly wage of around $44.80.

Colorado was close behind, offering travel CNAs about $1,492 a week. This is roughly $37.30 per hour. Washington was third, with travel CNAs earning an average of $1,280 a week, or $32 hourly. These figures show the best-paying travel CNA jobs in the U.S.

Variability Within High-Paying States

Even in these high-paying states, salaries can vary a lot by location. For example, in Washington, Spokane pays an average of $1,746 a week. Near Seattle, Medical Lake averages $1,485 a week. This shows how location affects how much you can earn.

StateWeekly SalaryHourly Rate
Spokane, WA$1,746$43.65
Medical Lake, WA$1,485$37.13

Average Salary for Travel CNAs

travel cna salary

The average salary for travel CNAs changes a lot based on different factors. One big factor is their hourly earnings. Travel CNAs make about $37.43 per hour on average. This means they earn around $1,134 a week.

This helps travel CNAs understand how much they can make from their work.

Hourly vs. Weekly Earnings

It’s important for travel CNAs to know the difference between hourly and weekly earnings. The hourly wage shows how much they make right away. But, many jobs let them work more hours, which can change their weekly pay.

For example, a travel CNA might work different hours at each job. This can lead to changing weekly earnings. These changes can really help their financial situation.

Annual Earnings Calculations

Looking at annual earnings gives a bigger financial picture for travel CNAs. If a travel CNA works 360 hours at one job, 400 hours at another, and 520 hours at a third, they could make about $45,862.50. This income is often more than what permanent CNAs make.

So, travel CNAs should look at job offers carefully. They should think about their annual earnings when making decisions.


What is the average travel CNA salary in the USA?

Travel CNAs earn about $37.43 per hour on average. This is much higher than the $14.56 per hour for regular CNAs.

What factors influence travel CNA salaries?

Many things affect travel CNA pay. These include where they work, the need for CNAs, their experience, and the type of healthcare place they work in.

Are there benefits for traveling CNAs?

Yes, travel CNAs get great benefits. They can include health insurance, help with housing, travel pay, and sometimes bonuses. This makes their pay even better.

Which states offer the highest paying travel CNA jobs?

California, Colorado, and Washington offer the best pay for travel CNAs. In California, they can earn about $44.80 per hour.

How does travel CNA pay compare to permanent CNA positions?

Travel CNAs make about 1.6 times more than regular CNAs. They can earn around $1,134 a week on average.

What are the salary ranges for travel CNAs?

Travel CNA pay varies by location and demand. It can be from $32 to $44.80 per hour. This depends on the state and the healthcare facility.

How can travel CNAs increase their earnings?

Travel CNAs can earn more by getting more experience, getting extra certifications, and choosing high-demand areas or special fields.

What should I consider when evaluating a travel CNA position?

Look at the total pay package when checking out a travel CNA job. This includes hourly or weekly pay, benefits, location, and how much CNAs are needed there.

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